How to Actually Create a Good Investor Deck

I was working with a founder yesterday and they wanted to show me their pitch deck.

They opened Canva and can you believe that deck had 55 slides. 55 slides???

Some of those slides were just a brain dump. But you can imagine how SHOCKED I was to see 55 of anything!

I quickly went into the only necessary slides you need when you are trying to get a meeting with an investor.

Here’s my take on what an investor wants to see in a pitch deck.

First, Investors crave a compelling story, not a data graveyard. Sit down and actually write your company story and from there put the information into the following 12 slides:

1. Title & Contact Info: Make your brand shine and provide easy connection points.
2. Problem: Clearly define the pain point you solve. What unmet need are you addressing?
3. Solution: Showcase your product/service as the answer. How do you solve the problem?
4. Value Proposition: Why is your solution unique and valuable? What sets you apart?
5. Traction: Briefly highlight your progress (logos, key metrics). Show them you're gaining momentum.
6. Market Size: Briefly mention the opportunity (no deep dives). Paint a picture of the potential market.
7. Business Model: How will you generate revenue? Explain it simply.
8. Projections: Briefly mention growth potential (avoid complex models). Focus on the future potential.
9. Team: Introduce your powerhouse team. They're the ones making it happen!
10. The Ask: Clearly state your funding needs. What are you looking for from investors?
11. Closing: Summarize your vision and reiterate the call to action. Leave a lasting impression.
12. Contact Info: Make it easy for investors to connect.

Pro Tip: Leverage appendices! I learned this in investment banking.
For deep dives on market size, projections etc., create an appendix accessible after the meeting. Don't bog down your presentation.

Remember, you're the storyteller! Your passion and expertise will resonate more than overloaded slides. Let your deck be a springboard for a captivating presentation!