Why Bootstrapping Might Be the Better Option for Your CPG Brand (And When to Reconsider)

The current fundraising climate for beauty brands is undeniably challenging. Investors are increasingly hesitant, often citing concerns about profitability. This has led many founders to consider bootstrapping as a viable alternative to equity investment. Here's why bootstrapping could be the right path for your brand:

- Prioritize Sustainable Growth: If you value steady, organic growth over rapid scaling, bootstrapping may be a better fit. Investors typically seek high-growth potential, which might not align with your brand's slower-paced approach.
- Maintain Full Control: Bootstrapping allows you to retain complete autonomy over your business decisions. While investors offer guidance, they can significantly influence your brand's direction and pace. If maintaining control is paramount, bootstrapping offers that freedom.
- Retain 100% Equity: Many founders dream of building a highly valuable company. By bootstrapping, you can retain full ownership, maximizing your potential return. Jamie Schmidt, who bootstrapped her brand to a nine-figure exit with Unilever in 2017, serves as an inspiring example.

Considering Equity Investment? Here's What You Need to Know:

- Fundraising Takes Time: Be prepared for a longer fundraising process than anticipated. It can easily take several months, even up to a year, to secure investment.
- Niche Focus Can Be Advantageous: Investors are drawn to brands with a clear niche focus. If your brand caters to a specific audience or cause, aligning yourself with investors who share that passion can increase your chances of success.
- Maintain Business Momentum: Fundraising is a full-time job, but it's crucial to maintain your brand's momentum during this process. Consistently hitting your business goals will strengthen your position when negotiating with investors.
- Profitability Matters: Demonstrating profitability or having a clear path to profitability is paramount in the current climate. Investors are more likely to invest in brands that can generate sustainable revenue.

Need Fundraising Guidance?

If you're still considering equity investment, I can help. My self-paced accelerator, RaiseSmart, equips you with the knowledge and strategies needed to navigate a successful fundraising journey. Learn more and enroll today at https://lnkd.in/gY7zPNRD

Let's make your beauty brand a success, whether through bootstrapping or securing the right investment.