Your Destiny Cannot Be Stopped

Every week I sit and think about all the things I learned in business and in life the week prior here’s what I what I learned recently.

I learned in business and in life, your destiny cannot be stopped. There will be times where you will not be prepared. There will be times where you won’t be confident. There will be times where you have no idea what you’re doing, but if it’s your destiny, and your experience and all the work that you’ve done prior to this moment has prepared you, whether you feel unprepared or not is irrelevant. If it’s destiny, it will be yours.

I also (re)learned that focusing on your customer is one of the ways to get to profitability faster. I recently did a talk in South Carolina, where I talked about how businesses can get to profitability. In that research, as I prepared my presentation, I was reacclimated to all the ways that centering, your customer can lead to profitability. Whether that is, reducing customer acquisition cost, whether that is creating longer term customers, whether that is having customers spend more with you - making sure that you were centering the right customers is always a path to profitability.

This week I learned that emotions are not facts. I also learned that there is a difference between feelings and thoughts. I know that may seem incredibly basic and foundational, but in my dealings with clients, friends and romantic partners, I can tell you now that the idea that there is a difference between feelings and thoughts is something that not a lot of people know.

I also learned this week that more people self-sabotage then they realize, including myself.

In addition to that, we all need to be just a little bit more audacious. A little louder. A little more vocal about the things that we do and what we’re good at.

This week, I was also reminded of the concept of weak ties where your network may not be able to provide you what you need but there is someone that they know that definitely wants your service or whatever it is that you're selling. Again, to my last point, BE VOCAL about what you’re looking for. Period.

And lastly, I did a quick dive into aggregation theory. This is something that I studied for quite a bit of time and I want to use the idea of aggregation theory or at least the consequences of aggregation theory as a customer acquisition strategy for businesses, especially service-based businesses. More on that in the coming weeks.

What did you learn last week?